Seabreeze Aquatic Center

Seabreeze Aquatics Center is an Olympic sized 50m outdoor pool with large deck space including shaded seating areas and picnic tables. Open year round the facilities includes large locker rooms and a kiddy pool (open in summer only).

Typically lap swimming is set at 25yrds but occasionally is switched to 50m.

MWR Aquatics programming at the Seabreeze Aquatic Center includes lap swimming, lessons, and specialty programs, such as water aerobics. Programming varies by season please inquire with staff for more information.

The facility is open to all hands with valid ID. Authorized patrons may bring a guest. There is no towel service please bring your own. Day use lockers are available please bring your own padlock. MWR is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

                       We offer:

Swim Lesson Sessions:

Junior Guards 

Swim Team 


Call 805-982-4749 for more information.